Saturday, 7 May 2016

Auto Control Entrance Gates: A Different Approach To Maintain Security

Entry gates are more viable to vandalism, threat and other unauthorized activities. Entrance Gates are common, yet effective access control points that are usually out of the reach of business owners. It is quite difficult for anyone to believe that unauthorized access can be done via entry gates.
Nowadays, gates are the most prominent places for carrying out bulgary and unlawful activities. Undoubtedly, they provide security for personnel as well as business assets within the premises. On the other hand, they are being used for causing threat, theft and unnecessary harms. This is because, businesses are looking for something that go beyond physical security. Gone are the days, when you can secure your Entrance gates by keeping a manual check. In this modern era, you need to come up with digitally accessed security systems to restrict the unwanted access.
Turnstiles or security gates are often recommended to maintain an electronic control access system. These are placed at the most common places to keep a constant check on all visitors and by passers. The turnstile electronic auto control gates act as a strict barrier that provides limited access to the employees and no access to the outsiders. Such gates can be placed at different units, such as business organizations, supermarkets, amusement parks, metro stations and other retail stores. The auto control Entrance gates come in a variety of types, sizes and styles.
Depending on the nature of your business and type of location, you can choose the best one. Such digitally accessed gates are featured with innovative security systems installed on it. Such installed security devices are used to keep a track record of persons who comes in and out of your premises. These gates not only act as an effective barrier, but also provide restricted entry to unwanted outsiders. Entrance gates are available in many sizes, from half-height turnstiles to full height gates.
The turnstile gates are manufactured differently using the latest innovative skills and materials. Beside this, they have different ways to open and close such gates. Some of the types include, rotating gates, sliding gates, swing gates and so on. Search over the web for more information.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

An Access Control Mechanical Turnstile Can Beat Physical Security

Turnstile security is something that can easily beat physical security, such as safety guards. With an increase in potential risk of data theft, the need to have controlled access devices also increases. Risk of vandalism and the threat is everywhere, whether it is your house, office or any other commercial unit.
An access control turnstile security device is a perfect solution for all your security needs. The turnstile is a mechanical gate or door that has security systems installed on it. These gates are mainly used to restrict the entry of unauthorized persons. When these turnstiles are installed, it allows the entry of one person at a time. In most of the cases, they can be accessed by using tokens, punching cards, or an access control card. This is done so that any other person will not be able to enter the premises. It is an effective way of avoiding unauthorized access.
Turnstiles are categorized in many types, such as mechanical, optical or invisible, and video access control turnstile. Each type of turnstile security systems has unique features and specifications. Mechanical turnstile refers to a gate that allows the rotation of stile in a single direction. It restricts the rotation of stile on the other side. You might have seen such type of turnstile at metro stations and airports. This phenomenon is usually used in which a payment mode is involved. This is basically used where a payment has to be made.
Mechanical turnstile gate can be accessed by inserting a token or coin in a slot, or by using a digital card, such as at metro stations. Beside this, an access control turnstile security gate can also be used to ascertain the number of people passing using a gate. In shopping malls, amusement parks, these turnstiles are used to keep a proper record of how many people have entered. Even Airports also make use of turnstiles to prevent “upstream” access. A turnstile security device can be used for “n” number of reasons at many places.
Choose from a variety of turnstiles available in the market.